Get Busy Livin' - The Dylan Meier Foundation

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2020: Think > Act > Live

Think…Act…Live is the slogan for this year and reflects a look back over the past 10 years since Dylan’s passing.  For GBL Friends that have been with us over these years, you know that we like to grab a slogan reflecting Dylan’s passion for everything that comes our way.

Think…Act…Live has been with us since the very beginning and can be found at the bottom of the website as our closing thought. Its origin comes from Dylan’s journal that he kept while traveling abroad.  

In June 2008, he is in Dresden Germany playing professional American football. Unfortunately, he had fractured his foot and was “slugging around like a snowboarder with only one boot” as he described his cast. 

He is reflecting upon his situation and notes that you never appreciate full health until it’s gone, “just be thankful for what you’ve got.” He continues to quote the fuller lyrics from its source; a 1974 hit by Curtis Mayfield “Diamond in the Back” (give it a listen). Where he came across that song… one only knows!

Dylan’s journal is full of quotes and on the following page of his journal he shares these quotes that surround his thoughts that day and his plan of action:

So this year don’t get caught looking in the rear view mirror or with 20/20 hindsight…. instead Think…Act…Live.  Hope to see you at the 5k Run!